
 Reflection: Overall it's pretty hard for me to memorise each and every of the media term but I found a website in google that helps me understand more of the terms as I am a visual learner I tend to learn faster if I see the terms and there is a further explanation of the terms and there is a picture of an arrow that show what each term is. Studying and memorising the term also took quite a while but overall after memorising the term it has helped me so much in analysing my magazine project.

website that help me

Masthead: The top section of a newspaper which gives the paper strap line: Memorable phrase that is associated with the magazine 

Cover Line: Titles of stories featured in the magazine, ‘Teasers’ for the contents of the magazine on the cover.

Selling Line: The short description of the ‘identity’ of the magazine under the masthead,

Main Image: The image which fills the cover – a model, celebrity, animal, artefact.

Typography/ Font: The shape, style, size and colour of the letters used.

Drop Cap: The enlarged initial letter of the first word of an article – an aesthetic feature which is designed to engage the reader.

Pull Quotes: Enlarged quotes from an article - these may be included in coverlines, but are also used in the body of the article to break up the page and to attract the attention of the reader.

Byline: The name of the writer of the article, usually found at the beginning. Simply, it is the 'line' which tells you who the article is by.

Main cover line: The most important article featured, it grabs the audiences' attention (featured article)

Barcode: Used for retailers

Skyline: A list of keywords featured at the top of the cover

Thirds: The upper and left third

Prop: An image of an item

Puff/Box Out: A smaller image or text to stand out from the rest of the information (puff = circle, boxout = square)

Buzzwords: Exclusive, free, new, special edition

Banner: A block of color with information inside, usually stretches the width of the cover

Headline: The title of the article

Subheading: Additional information found beneath the headline (crosshead)

White space: Empty space in the spread, used to break up the content (negative space)

Border: Empty space around the edges 

Column: Standard layout of magazines

Spread: Pages of a magazine that should be viewed together (usually 2)

Caption: Information about an image

Mode of address: The way the magazine or article addresses the audience, it can be formal, casual or direct (for images too) 
